#20 Cooling down
Summer has finally arrived and after months of moaning about the cold weather, we can now grumble about the heat in a typical Austrian way. But in Graz the cooling down is not far away. Where are the most beautiful outdoor swimming pools, where you can swim for free and how to look good while doing so, you can find here:
Cooling down in Graz:
In the middle of Geidorf, surrounded by villas and town houses, completely hidden but still the centre of the action, that is the ``Magerl ``. It has a lot to offer, from good food, baby pools, volleyball courts and sunbathing areas to an interesting history. https://www.holding-graz.at/margaretenbad.html
Only a stone's throw away from the city border, you will find the Auwiesen. Meadows along the Mur with barbecue areas, fireplaces, sunbathing areas, snack bar and swimming at your own risk. We have tested it, it is not dangerous. https://www.inside-graz.at/freizeit/ausflug-naherholungsgebiet-auwiesen-kraftwerk-goessendorf.html
``water park`` Volksgarten
In the underestimated Volksgarten in the district of Lend, you walk along the millrace, over bridges, past the paddle wheel and at the children's playground you can play and work with water as much as you like.
In General you can bath at the Mur `` at your own risk ``, but the water quality is generally very good. No matter, because in the Augartenbucht you can also try other water activities. Or just lie on the sunbed, eat streetfood, biking etc. and all this for FREE. https://www.graz.at/cms/beitrag/10326320/9063249/Murarena_Natur_und_Freizeitoase_taucht_auf.html
I pack my bag...
The most beautiful bathing bags are available in offline retail, namely in old and colourful retro fabrics. https://www.facebook.com/Offlineretail/