#19 Graz city of Jazz
Who’d have thought it? The small provincial town of Graz, far away from New Orleans, has long been revealed as the secret jazz capital. There are several opportunities to study jazz at the university, jazz festivals, local jazz musicians, open air concerts and legendary hidden jazz cellars. Feel like jazz? Then follow us and our tips:
Jazz in Graz:
Hello Josefine
A bar moreiconic is actually hardly possible anymore. In the hidden, tiny bar ``Hello Josefines`` you will find very good cocktails, bartenders in suits, good entertainment until early in the morning and of course jazz music. If you are lucky enough to meet the landlady in person, it is guaranteed to be an unforgettable evening. https://www.facebook.com/HelloJosefine/besuch/programm/museums-picknick
Jazz at Generali Hof
In the middle of the city, in a historic arcade courtyard, on balmy summer nights, with good Styrian wine. This is Jazz at Generali Hof. https://www.graztourismus.at/de/sehen-und-erleben/veranstaltungen/veranstaltungskalender/jazzkonzerte-im-generalihof_ev-3441
Stockwerk Graz
In an inconspicuous house, admittedly not the most beautiful square in Graz, you will find the ``Stockwerk'', a Graz jazz institution. http://www.stockwerkjazz.mur.at/
Miles Jazz Bar
The `` other side`` of the Mur also has something to offer in terms of jazz technique. In the middle of the Lend district, in a backyard, hidden and well camouflaged, you will find the small jazz cellar ``Miles``. Here whole nights pass quickly and if you still haven't had enough you can visit many other nice and noisy bars and clubs in the neighbourhood. http://www.milesjazz.at/
Royal Garden Jazz Club
How promising does this name sound? And the club keeps its promises. http://www.royalgarden.at/
Theater Cafe
The Theater Cafe is strictly speaking not a jazz celler, but has always been a meeting place for celebrities and night owls, artists and musicians. A rustic restaurant that serves the famous scrambled eggs till late at night. Regular live concerts and performances by art students, university students, cabaret artists and other artists make it probably the most indispensable bar in town. http://hinwider.com/das-theatercafe/