#48 Visit Graz with baby

A baby is no excuse to just sit at home. With a baby in a wagon or a carrier, the city can be explored particularly well and the change of routines and fresh air are good for parents and child. It’s also a good idea to take a different route, off the beaten track, and discover the city without hurry. But what should you do if your baby needs something or your baby gets hungry? Here we present the most important “baby retreats” in the city centre.
Visit Graz with Baby:
Against aches and pains
The baby has a tummy ache, the bottom is sore, there's a rash that wasn't there yesterday? For minor and major aches and pains, there are many pharmacies in the city centre that can help with such emergencies. The Bärenapotheke in Herrengasse is one of them. Here, questions about babies are answered straight away and the pharmacy has many products especially for babies and children in its range. Do you know the herbal products from `Mama Aua`? In addition, there is always a jug of water available in the pharmacy, which could save the lives of breastfeeding mothers in the summer.
Good Advice
In Graz there are centres for parents and children all over the city where you can get advice, get further training, meet other parents and exchange ideas. Baby massage, nutritional counselling or simply playing and chatting in a relaxed atmosphere - whatever you and your baby are currently thinking about, you are in good hands here. At certain times, doctors or breastfeeding counsellors are on hand to answer questions and take a look at the baby. You can find all the information about the centres, the services, the opening hours, in other words, all the information about the campaign `Klein hats fein` at www.graz.at. At the Office for Youth and Family at Kaiserfeldgasse 25 you can find everything children and babies might need, from toys to changing tables, free of charge
All clean?
Many restaurants now have changing tables and in most places you can use them without having to consume anything if you ask. But sometimes it is less complicated to use the public facilities. In the tourist information office in Herrengasse, in the Kastner und Öhler children's department or also in some museums, such as in the Joanneum quarter, changing tables are available during opening hours.
It is a very personal decision where and how and anyway how long and whether you breastfeed your baby at all. Sometimes youre Baby is so hungry that it's not possible to go home, sometimes the weather isn´t right to feed your Baby on a quiet park bench outside, sometimes things aren't going so well and you need peace and quiet and no coffee shop noise while breastfeeding, and often babies need a bottle on the go, which should also be the right temperature. In the children's department at Kastner und Öhler, on the fifth floor, there is a very cosy room with a view of the Schloßberg, where there is a changing table. It is clean and spacious. Here you can breastfeed your baby in peace and quiet, there are two armchairs available for this purpose and what you rarely find elsewhere: This room also has a bottle warmer and a sink for drinking water. There is also a quiet and very nice breastfeeding room in the Mamiladen on Grieskai.

“Nursing corner at Kastner und Öhler”

“Baby products at Bärenapotheke”