#43 Pride Month

During Pride Month, the city becomes really colourful and that’s a good thing. Rainbow flags fly from many windows and many events are dedicated to queer history and the queer world. We’ll tell you how, where, when and what’s going on, because “Love is Love”!
Pride Month:
Ladies and Gentlemen
A great exhibition at the new Galerie Graz in the Joanneum Quarter shows insights into the topics: Feminism, Gender Studies and Queer Theory. In addition, some interesting posters currently adorn the entrance area.
Lust and Vice tour
On 1 July, before the big CSD parade on 2 July, we will again offer our `Lust und Laster` free tour. It is about love, lust and scandals and of course we will also give short insights into the life of homosexuals in past times in Graz.
Love is Love Bag
In the offline retail store on Mariahilferstraße, there will soon be sacks made from discarded fabrics, printed with the beautiful phrase `Love is Love`. You can make a statement and pack everything for the parade right away.
Rosa Lila PantherInnen
They have been around for more than 30 years. The Panthers are the contact point for questions, they organise events like the Tuntenball or the CSD Parade. There are tireless school workshops, lectures, regulars' tables, meetings and of course education, help and advice. Don't be afraid to chat with them. And you can buy rainbow mugs and other cool stuff there too. www.homo.at
Rainbow crossing
The rainbow zebra crossing in front of the Graz Kunsthaus is virtually a sight to see in Graz. There could be more colour on the floor and walls. But you can also see many flags in the windows of the city. Go on a journey of discovery!
When resistance arose for the first time during an arbitrary search of a gay bar on Christopher Street and the scene no longer wanted to put up with all the harassment, this was the birth of a movement and an important day: Christopher Street Day. This is celebrated every year in dozens of cities around the world with a colourful parade, including Graz. On 2 July there is a parade followed by a picnic and festival in the Volksgarten. There are stands, music and so much good humour and colourful people, the most amazing outfits and costumes and everyone is welcome!

“Joanneum Quarter”

“Rosa Lila PantherInnen”

“Flags everywhere”

“streetart under the Erzherzog Johann Bridge”