#23 Colourful district Gries
Gries is the district in Graz that is most talked about. Unfortunately not always positive and yes, the district is “different”, we admit that, but it has so much more to offer than bad headlines. So Gries is certainly the most colourful district in Graz, because here streetart and graffiti hide behind every corner. Some of them are commissioned works or at least approved works of art, some of the house walls owners have not been asked for permission, but that’s the way it is…
Follow the spray cans and discover a completely new face of Graz!
Colourful Gries:
Something wonderful happened in this unimpressive alley a few years ago: The Micro Galleries were guests (what an honour) and have revived and changed the alley with an open-air museum. Artists from near and far were allowed to let off steam in the narrow alleys. The aim: to embellish the alley, to revitalize it, to make it safer and to give something back to the city. And it worked! https://www.facebook.com/microgalleries/
The works of Mario Paukovic can be found again and again in Graz, for example in the Feuerbachgasse in Gries. We like it! http://www.mariopaukovic.at/
You won't find the great work called ` Opus Magnum 13 ` on any wall, no, it is an important wall, a prison wall. And we are not talking about just any prison here, you are standing here in front of the walls of the Graz-Karlau prison, which was also involuntarily ` home ` to some familiar faces. If Archduke Karl knew what had become of his castle...
Tagger Werke
The epicentre for streetart in Graz can be found at Tagger Werke. Colourful walls as far as the eye can see, plus this spectacular atmosphere of an abandoned factory. It's not perfect, not finished, you can still see broken windows and junk, but let's be honest, this is what makes this area so charming. Anyway, this place reminds of other cities and doesn't look like the typical Graz
Not far from the Graz Synagogue you will find streetart in the truest sense of the word and yet this work is quite different from the others in this blog post. It is a memorial made by Catrin Bolt, that commemorates the suffering of Rabbi David Herzog. He was kidnapped and mistreated by Nazis during the Reichspogromnacht and he wrote down the events. You can see this text here on the sidewalk along the very same path that David Herzog had to walk on that night more than 80 years ago.