#24 Wine bars in Graz
If you don’t drink wine all year round, then you should at least start in the Styrian Autumn. And if you don’t come so often to the wonderful southern Styria or eastern Styria or western Styria, then enjoy the fine wines here in Graz. The choice of restaurants and inns with good wines is huge. We’ll tell you a few hidden wine bars / wine shops / enotecas / temples of pleasure, which are particularly good and dedicated to wine.
Wine bars:
Vinothek bei der Oper
A small, fine family business. By the way, the owners not only know a lot about wines, but are also very interested in culture and history and can certainly answer a few questions about the city. Another special feature is the vine stock at the entrance. It is a brave plant that winds its way out of the cellar into the open air and must therefore withstand different temperatures. Keep it up! https://vinothekgraz.com/
S ´ Auenbrugger
In one of the oldest houses of the Murvorstadt you can find a wine bar since some time. One could tell several stories here, about famous innkeeper's sons, spy windows and offerings to gods in the wine cellar. For that you should come along on one of our tours. https://www.auenbrugger.at/
Stadtwinzer Hildebrand
You do not know it? We admit, we only discovered it recently! In the middle of Gries in the Grenadiergasse you can find the Stadtwinzer. There are tastings, you can buy wines and get advice. Graz is full of surprises! https://www.weingut-hildebrand.at/
Weinbar Klapotetz
A Klapotetz is a scarecrow that is placed in vineyards in Styria and Slovenia. But the birds and the people are not stupid. If you hear the clattering sound of a Klapotetz, the water in your mouth is already running together, because then the Buschenschank or in Graz the wine bar can't be far away. https://klapo.at/
G ´ schickter Wein
My home is my castle! If you prefer to make yourself comfortable on balconies in the autumn sun, have a glass of wine with your neighbor in the garden, or if you are looking for something different for the next house party, you will find special wines from special winemakers at this special wine website. www.gschickterwein.at
Hidden behind another restaurant, nestled against the school wall, secret but definitely worth looking for and finding, Italian and simply nice! https://www.facebook.com/Cafe-Bar-Tergeste-