#33 Steiermark Schau
Frisch (fresh), saftig (juicy) and Styrian is the new Styria-exhibition at 3 locations in Graz. From the past to the present and to the future, you can see a lot of what is typical styrian. A pavilion can be visited throughout Austria and a colorful supporting program will whet your appetite for more. We have already combed through the Volkskundemuseum, the Kunsthaus Graz and the Museum für Geschichte and have written a little feedback for you.
Steiermark Schau:
Museum für Geschichte
In the history museum, how could it be otherwise, the Styrian past is presented. From Roman excavations to church history and Styrian city architecture, quasi 4000 years of building, working, fighting and living in Styria. In a somewhat gloomy presentation many architecture-miniature-models can be admired which give a good impression of the past. The highlight for us and a great surprise, however, are the breakthroughs in the walls and floors through which you can see Herbstein's palace and interesting statements written on the wall. Intentionally exposing electrical construction and imperfect corners that almost steal the show from the rest of the exhibit. We were magically drawn to the behind-the-scenes look.
The Volkskundemuseum was a sleeping beauty for a long time and now shines again in new splendor. Either way, a visit is once again a must. In the course of the Steiermark Schau, the museum deals with the present. At the beginning very positive, at the end a bit more critical is shown what makes Styria. From agriculture to transportation to human rights. We would have expected a little more self-irony and wit, because there is a big difference between the Styrian self-perception and foreign perception.
Kunsthaus Graz
The futuristic building, the ` friendly alien ` houses the view into the future. The exhibition in the Kunsthaus is spectacular and modern, not only because of the architecture. Topics of the future, which should actually also be topics of today, can be found in the Kunsthaus: Sustainability, equality, innovations, the treatment of people and nature. So we look into a green-white future that can look like this or like that. Our personal highlight is hidden in the `Needle`. A little end time mood with view of the Graz Schloßberg and the Graz old town, one could leave actually so.

“Museum für Geschichte”

“what comes what stays in the Museum für Geschichte”

“We are doing well in the Volkskundemuseum Graz”

“Kunsthaus Graz”