#27 Advent calendar
Granted, this year will be a little challenge for the Christkindls, Santa Clauses and reindeer among you. But although our favorite stores have to close, it is possible to order and buy online at some of them, including an advent calendar. By buying an advent calendar you support small stores with big ideas and the calendars are simply WONDERFUL. I wonder what is behind the first door?
Advent calendars:
The one and only bookstore we trust sells a beautiful selection of Advent calendars online. www.buechersegler.buchkatalog.at
Zotter Schokoladen
The one and only chocolatier we trust, has also filled some calendar doors again. Not only the chocolate is delicious, also the calendars are real works of art, almost too beautiful to open, almost... www.zotter.at
We have discovered a very special Advent calendar in the Kwirl: ` Die kleine Advent Kalender box ` is not only something for the eye, but also something for the soul. The Kwirl website and online store will certainly also make you smile. www.kwirl.at
Eckhards Confiserie
Unfortunately, the sweet calendars are already sold out, but there is still something to order from the spice corner: 24 spices to cook 24 dishes. To the cooking spoons, ready, go! www.eckhards.at
For all of you paper-lovers a card / calendar from Papuku is a must this year. Could it be even better? Can not be! Sustainable, regional and beautiful, our mouth is still open! www.pabuku.com