#26 Best Autumn Dishes
The days become shorter, the weather colder and darker and the bellies become fuller. A ray of hope in this rather bleak season is the wonderful autumnal food that can be tasted on every corner in Graz. No matter what you are celebrating, Thanksgiving, St. Martin, Halloween, All Saints’ Day or Diwali, or if there is nothing to celebrate at all, in any case let yourself be spoiled by the Styrian cuisine.
Autumn Dishes:
` Maroni, heisssse Maroni `, you can hear that on every corner these days. Strictly speaking, however, the ` Maroni ` is an Italian and the ` Chestnut ` or ` Kastanie ´ the Styrian. And do you feel the same way? We always feel transported to another time when the smell of roasted chestnuts streams into our noses. Of course we eat our chestnuts out of the newspaper as a snack in between.
Whoever says ` Kastanien ` must also say ` Sturm `. But it goes even more Styrian by replacing the ` Sturm ` with ` Schilchersturm `. You find this great drink fresh only at the wine roads and also only for a short time. For real Sturm you have to go hunting.
Something that one would not necessarily associate with Graz is a truffle. But yes, they do exist and especially good noses find them in the woods around and even in Graz. From 28.10. to 8.11. the Trüffelfestival is taking place. www.graztourismus.at/de/essen-und-trinken/veranstaltungen/trueffelfestival.
The traditional `Allerheiligenstriezel ` is easy to make yourself. The braid gets its beautiful shine if you repeatedly brush milk or water on it at the end of the baking time and according to the market woman we trust, you should never bake the Striezl in the evening. She couldn't explain to us why this is so, but she is sure that it won't work in the evening.
` Ganslwochen!! ` the sparrows call from the roofs of the Restaurant `Laufke ` in the Elisabethstraße. So let's go. The restaurant is anyway a jewel of the old Austrian kitchen and got this beautiful old seating area. www.laufke.net
Venison Dishes
Venison Dishes and also other autumnal delicacies are available in the restaurant ` Die Amsel `. Something particularly good in this restaurant is the extra friendly and cool and motivated owner, we felt very welcome! www.dieamsel.at