state-certified Austria Guide


Graz very british

About “chocolate girls”, “Butterkinder” and “Tommies”

The war was lost, the city destroyed, the country occupied. In the first post-war period, the people of Graz found themselves confronted with completely new challenges and “neighbors”, the British. As part of the British occupation zone, Graz experienced its first cultural and social upswing, despite all the privations. The reconstruction and the fight for bare survival in 1945 finally led to Jazz, tea time and Valentine’s Day in the 1950s. In the words of Commander Colonel Alex Wilkinson, from his weekly radio speeches: “Keep smiling, Steirer”.

We want to tell the almost forgotten, but incredibly important, history of the British occupation of Graz. How much British is in us Grazers and how much Styrian do the British understand? An exciting city tour full of quotes, photos and funny clichés.

About this tour:

meeting point: Landhaushof/ provincial house courtyard
Duration: 1,5 hours
Language: German and/ or English
Bookable as a ``young tour`` on the date of your choice
Bookable as a ``free tour`` on fixed dates
Price young tour: 130 Euro up to 30 persons, Note: Exempt from turnover tax - small businesses according to § 6 Abs. 1 Z 27 UStG
"The oak" 1945

“´The oak´ newspaper 1945”

The oak division
“`The oak division”

What is a “free tour”?

The free tours take place on pre-set dates with a minimum of 10 participants. You can decide how much you want to pay! If you like the tour, we will be happy to receive an appropriate tip at the end of the tour.

What is a “young tour”?

Our young tours are customisable thematic tours. The content couldn’t be more different and neither could our guides. But what’s best – our Young Tours may be combined, extended, and altered – please feel free to specify the date, time, meeting point etc.

NB: Unlike our free tours, our young tours are not held free of charge but instead customized to your liking.

Frequently asked questions:

  1. Can I book a free tour on a certain date?  Our free tours are exclusively run on scheduled dates but each tour can also be booked exclusively.
  2. Public tours and individual participant, or private tour and group?  All our free tours are publicly accessible and held on scheduled dates. All you need is to register, turn up at the meeting point, and come along – it’s as simple as that. If you are a group and wish to remain to yourselves or if you have special wishes regarding the tour, then we recommend to book a private tour.
  3. Can I book a customized tour?  No problem at all. You are completely free to specify your favourite meeting point, route, stops, breaks, themes, districts etc. you wish to visit. You plan a guided tour for a special occasion? You want the tour to end at a special location? You want us to organize an excursion outside of Graz? You are staying in town for a week and wish to see different things here? Don’t hesitate to ask! We at Discover Graz try to fulfil all your wishes, or almost.
  4. Is the tour barrier-free?  We give tours on different routes. Each tour may be altered upon request to become a barrier-free tour. Most tours, however, are not automatically barrier-free.
  5. Is the tour suitable for children?  We offer special kid’s tours that are tailored to children’s needs. There are also other tours that kids may attend, even though intended for adults. Some tours however are not suitable for kids or youngsters. For more info and the recommended age, please refer to our tour descriptions
  6. Who can attend?  The recommended age or minimum age varies between tour types. Please refer to our various guided tours on offer for more information. Apart from that, anyone may come along.
  7. What is the price per person? Our prices for young tours are always calculated for the whole group. The price for one person is the same as for 30 people.
  8.  How to find the guide? The guide will wait at the arranged place and time and will walk up to you. For the arranged meeting point, please refer to our website or to the order confirmation. If there are any problems, you can get in touch at any time.
  9. What are the cancellation conditions? If you cannot come to a free tour, please inform us as soon as possible or cancel online. For the young tours you will find the cancellation conditions written on the order confirmation.
  10. Do I have to register? Registration is absolutely necessary for the free tours, as there is a minimum number of participants and a maximum number of participants. You can register for the tours via the homepage, but also by e-mail or telephone.
  11. Who is Discover Graz? We are Grazers, state-certified Austria Guides and a pretty colourful and fun bunch. And we love Graz!