It’s not easy for many people at the moment: for a whole month, you only see football everywhere – everyone only talks about football, it smells of football, people dress up in football shirts and meet up in public viewing areas. But not everyone can get excited about Euro 2024. It’s a good thing that there are so many other ways to celebrate life, summer and love in Graz and get away from football.
Fun without football:
Mid sommar
It's not just the Swedes who celebrate on the longest day of the year, this tradition is gradually taking hold here too. For example: at Omas Teekanne. There, on 21 June from 14:00, there will be a big party with dancing with the Lindy Cats, a design market, workshops and really good things from Grandma's kitchen.
in the garden
In June and July, there are numerous blooming and fragrant garden festivals in Graz and Styria. In the exotic ``Philemons Garten`` the Taglia Festival takes place in summer. The yucca blossom festival is celebrated in the desert garden. All events and the most beautiful gardens in Styria can be found at www.garten-lust.at
Summer ball
Simply the most beautiful ball of the year is the Summer Redoute of the University of Music and Performing Arts. The ball is truly a midsummer night's dream. The institutes present themselves in the old and new buildings of the university. Jazz can be heard in the basement, a big band in the Mumuth and singing and an accordion in the smaller rehearsal rooms. So on 28 June, it's once again time to put on your summer clothes and dance the night away.
Kristian Schuller
Until 31 August, you can admire the pompous pictures of the most famous fashion photographer and entertainer of our time, Kristian Schuller, in the exhibition hall. Large-format images that are brightly lit and provide a moment's distraction from the hot summer outside.
Under the rainbow
June is Pride Month, so the rainbow flags have already been hoisted in front of the town hall and the provincial house. The aim is to set an example for tolerance and love and to join in the celebrations at the CSD parade on 29 June.

“Philemons garden Styria”

“Omas Teekanne”